5 Reasons for Using LED

With the rise in popularity of non-invasive treatments claiming to improve the quality and condition of skin, let’s take a look at LED light therapy and consider Dr Sam’s 5 reasons behind her recommendation to invest in it:
- The most important reason of all – IT WORKS! LED light therapy can be used to treat a number of conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, wound healing. (1) Depending on the specific condition being treated, a specific wavelength of light would be recommended – for the conditions listed she would advise using red light (633nm) (2), blue light(415) (3)or near Infra red (830).(4)
- It is safe and suitable for most skin colours, otherwise known as Fitzpatrick skin types.(1) Use of LED light therapy is not traumatic and so is not associated with risks of tissue damage (4) (such as can result from laser or IPL) and has been found to be less likely to be associated with hyper-pigmentation. The lustre pure light has been carefully designed to prevent light leakage, a recognised problem for some of its inferior competitors.
- LED home devices are affordable – with devices such as the LUSTRE® ClearSkin Solo costing £49, this effective piece of kit is unlikely to break the bank and is also guaranteed for a year.
- Using the device is convenient. One of the USP of the Lustre device is that it is truly handsfree meaning you can attach it to your face and then continue whatever you are doing – activities such as watching TV, playing on your phone, working on your computer or even doing the ironing can all be safely and easily done at the same time as you are treating your skin.
- LED light therapy is pain-free. (5)The light energy penetrates skin more effectively than topical products,(6) should not cause irritation of skin(7) and can be an essential for any skincare regime.
There are many devices, as can be seen on social media, making all sorts of claims – so why does Dr Sam believe that LUSTRE® ClearSkin is the best?
There are very clear guidelines and readily available support on the use of the Lustre products which means that people can be sure before purchasing the product that it is suitable for them personally.
Dr Sam says:
“The LUSTRE® ClearSkin device has a great track record, as can be seen by the numerous case studies available and online reviews - as well as ticking the boxes for all of the criteria above. Why use anything else?”
- Tags: Blue LED Blue Light Therapy LED Red LED