Male vs Female Acne

Male vs Female Acne - who suffers more?
When most of us think of acne we think of teenagers, or even our own tender teenage years whether we are male or female. Yet after age 20, it is the female of the species who report they are far more likely than men to suffer from this common skin problem, according to a survey completed at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine.
More than 1,000 men and women were asked to complete a survey to determine the prevalence of acne in adults. Of these participants, 73% reported having suffered from acne at some point in their lives. According to the survey results, acne affected both male and female participants equally during the teen years (68.5% of males and 66.8% of females reported having acne as teens).

- During their 20s, 50.9 percent of women and 42.5 percent of men reported experiencing acne.
- During their 30s, 35.2 percent of women and 20.1 percent of men reported experiencing acne.
- During their 40s, 26.3 percent of women and 12 percent of men reported experiencing acne.
“Our findings demonstrate that acne is a persistent problem for people of all ages, but clearly women seem to be affected by this medical condition more than men when we examined the 20-plus age groups,”

said Dr. Harper on Science Daily. “Research examining the role hormones play in the development of acne may hold the key to explaining why more adult women are affected by acne and could lead to future treatments to control this condition.” Overall the study reported that acne is common medical condition can have a significant impact on a person’s overall quality of life – regardless of when it occurs. Not only is LUSTRE ClearSkin dermatologically approved as an adult acne treatment but the device is used by many Doctors and Dermatologists across the country with their patients, if that is not a massive stamp of approval then we don’t know what is!
Acne on your back? Read on: Bacne more common than you think!
- Tags: Blog Lifestyle Seasonal Acne